The best part about the Camino is the Camino. – Unknown


Knudd? No – he is walking the camino...”

I've been a bit like Knud for the past two weeks. Instead of cycling along the beautiful Norwegian archipelago, where the weather was also beautiful, I was in the gym, working hard to rebuild my condition and strengthen the muscles. But… now I’m ready to leave! COVID is out the window (sorry neighbours for being a bad aim) and except for the occasional cough I'm healthy again and my condition is back to normal. Thanks to the help and advice of the gym!

Well, the gym… In case you read my blog about the gym in April: my opinion about the gym has turned one hundred and eighty degrees! Maybe it's because I'm so lucky with this gym. I received excellent guidance from both the two instructors and the dietitian. Even after COVID, when I had to start from zero again.

In the meantime, the panniers have been packed and I can't wait to start. The travel plans have been reversed. This is for the better for several reasons. My available time has been shortened a bit, but I can possibly stay a little longer. Not much longer because the summer in Norway is not that long. Fortunately, I had calculated my first travel plans well. I now start cycling the Swedish Olavs’ Way, a pilgrimage route from Selånger (near Sundsvall on the Swedish east coast) to Trondheim. And I end up cycling the Kristiansand-Oslo route. I hope to publish a guide for both routes next year.

Remy comes in for a little break and then we go on holiday together for a week in Norway.

I will leave on Wednesday afternoon, June 29, and return sometime in September. Then I hope to have completed a more beautiful camino than Knud.

