It has been a while since I sent my last blog post from Norway. A story with an unexpected end because I got ill. And because I got so many questions (how are you now?, what was wrong with you?, are you going back?), I write this epilogue.
I am doing well, but if I can ever go on a cycling holiday again…

tuin strandweg 3 ter heijdeIt has since become clear why I became ill. And why I got sick again at home. And again... And why the antibiotics for the alleged sinusitis did not help: I appear to be allergic to just about anything that grows, blooms and has paws... In other words, everything on this photo on the left (click to enlarge). Only the house dust mite is missing…
Well of course I don't have to make it more dramatic than it is. Half of our country is more or less allergic to one thing or another. But nonetheless...

Apparently something has triggered the the allergic reaction which caused me a lot of trouble and we took the following measures.
The cat has moved - with pain in our heart - to Sittard, to friends of friends and she is doing fine. She’s miaowing the local dialect now very well.

Since the house dust mite won’t leave voluntarily, the carpets also have to go. Fortunately that covers only the bed- and guest room.

And of course, never again on a cycling holiday! No more cycling between everything that grows and blooms. No longer enjoying sniffing all those pollen and being stirred to tears. No more swollen face swallowing my glasses (no, I didn't make any selfies of that in Norway!). And no more impressive insect bumps that make me look like I escaped from a painting by Rubens (or worse: Botero!). And also no longer covered with the beautiful deep red hives with strong temperature transitions.

Well ...
Fortunately there are antihistamines, so I will continue to cycle the world armed with pills. So you don't have to unsubscribe en masse for the newsletter now.
And hey, I have long been happy that the doctor, when he listed the whole list, did not mention music notes...

In two weeks Remy and I will board the plane for a two-month cycle tour through South Korea and Japan. And next year I would like to continue my project with King Olav!