2019 South-Korea and Japan
Travel report of the cycle holiday, September 1 to October 26, 2019
- 1347 kilometers in South Korea and 1777 kilometers in Japan. 3124 in total.
- Highest point: 1500 meters on mount Tsurigi on the island Shikoku
- Nineteen islands: Kyushu, Honshu, Miyajima, Etajima, Kurahashi, Shimo-Kamagari, Kami-Kamagari, Teshima, Osaki-Shimojima, Osaki-Kamijima, Okunoshima (rabbit-island), Mukaishima, Innoshima, Ikuchijima, Omishima, Hakata, Oshima, Shikoku, Shodosjima
- Eleven ferries
- Four typhoons: Ling Ling, Tapah, Mitag and Hagibis. None hit us directly, but we felt indirectly their effects and had to stay two times in an hotel or guesthouse for shelter (Tapah and Hagibis) for two nights each. The other two just bothered us with some hard wind and rain.
- Four punctures divided over two bicycles and three tires
- Zero accidents (but plenty of near misses in South Korea)
- Remarkable fauna: snakes, monkeys, raccoons (mostly roadkill), the Shaman spider that made a 3D web and a poisonous centipedes